Thursday, November 28, 2019

The American Bald Eagle Essay Example For Students

The American Bald Eagle Essay I chose the American bald eagle because it is one of thefastest and strongest species of eagles. It is the nationalsymbol. The Congress adopted it as the national symbol in1782. I think it was adopted as the national bird of theUnited States because the Roman soldiers used the eagleas a symbol of courage and power. In the early 1800s,Americans called the Bald Eagle, the American eagle. Hereis some of the biology of the Bald Eagle. Bald Eagles do avery good job at their part in the food web. Bald eaglesalso have an interesting name. The scientific name for baldeagles is Haliaeetus leucocephalus. The family order isaccipitridae and falconiformes. The young of bald eaglesare called eaglets or eyasses. Bald eagles arewarm-blooded and breathe oxygen from the air. A femalewill lay 1 to 3 eggs every five years, with at least 1hatching. We will write a custom essay on The American Bald Eagle specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Although all Bald Eagles are consumers, none of them eatplants to get their chemical energy. Some birds in the eaglecommunity are African fish eagle, Stelleris sea eagle,white-bellied sea eagle and the palm-nut vulture. Baldeagles, out of all eagles are carnivores; they eat fish, there isno such thing as a herbivore or even an omnivore Eagle. The young of a bald eagle are fully fledged (just like theirparents and ready to live in the world) at about the age of 4months. After hatching, newborn eagles are all white andblind. Male bald eagles generally measure 3 feet from theend of the beak to the tip of the tail, weighing about 7 to 10pounds, and having a wing span of 6 feet. Females, somelarger, reach about 14 pounds and have a wingspan of 8feet. Bald eagles live only in the United States and Mexico. Bald eagles will only live near lakes and rivers. A baldeagles nest is about 70 feet above the ground in tall pinesor deciduous trees. Nests are almost 7 feet wide and fivefeet deep. The territory of a Bald Eagle has a carryingcapacity of 10 to 40 square miles, per eagle. Eagles willlive in cold, warm and light temperatures. Bald eagles willeat just about anything; they have a large range in theirpredator/prey role. An eagles diet consists of fish, rodents,small snakes, and small game birds. It will also steal foodfrom other species of small birds or other eagles, includingits own kind! Sometimes it will even kill a bird to get food. It will also eat carrion, food that was already killed, whichmeans it is sometimes a decomposer. Bald eagles haveinteresting ways of protecting themselves. Bald eagles haveoil inside of their feathers to protect themselves from rain orsnow. Bald eagles also have special feathers that willinsulate them in the winter. A female eagle will outstretch itswings over the young to form a portable shelter. Once,several students went up to the Quabbin Reservoir, foundan active eagles nest, tore it apart and found 60 cat collars. Bald eagles were at homeostasis until they were put on theendangered species list from the 1950s up until the early1980s. Ever since, federal law has protected bald eaglesand whoever kills or tries to kill one will suffer a $500 fineand a year in jail. There are many biotic and abiotic factorsin an eagles environment, but none compare to there lovefor salmon, and there passion for high altitude; whether itbe them soaring and 10,000 feet, or them sitting in theirnest on the top of an incredibly steep cliff. .u1ac219ad96d9d440f613e383a5b31cab , .u1ac219ad96d9d440f613e383a5b31cab .postImageUrl , .u1ac219ad96d9d440f613e383a5b31cab .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u1ac219ad96d9d440f613e383a5b31cab , .u1ac219ad96d9d440f613e383a5b31cab:hover , .u1ac219ad96d9d440f613e383a5b31cab:visited , .u1ac219ad96d9d440f613e383a5b31cab:active { border:0!important; } .u1ac219ad96d9d440f613e383a5b31cab .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u1ac219ad96d9d440f613e383a5b31cab { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u1ac219ad96d9d440f613e383a5b31cab:active , .u1ac219ad96d9d440f613e383a5b31cab:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u1ac219ad96d9d440f613e383a5b31cab .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u1ac219ad96d9d440f613e383a5b31cab .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u1ac219ad96d9d440f613e383a5b31cab .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u1ac219ad96d9d440f613e383a5b31cab .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u1ac219ad96d9d440f613e383a5b31cab:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u1ac219ad96d9d440f613e383a5b31cab .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u1ac219ad96d9d440f613e383a5b31cab .u1ac219ad96d9d440f613e383a5b31cab-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u1ac219ad96d9d440f613e383a5b31cab:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Describe the adaptations of the human placenta and foetus to improve oxygen availability EssayCategory: Science

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Labor Demand Essays - Marginal Concepts, Production Economics

Labor Demand Essays - Marginal Concepts, Production Economics Labor Demand In light of the limits that have been placed on this answer I will only focus my comments on the demand for labor and on the other hand the supply of labor. First the demand for labor. This is to me by far the most interesting aspect of the course. Labor demand is derived from the firms desire to maximize profits. This is a basic assumption of labor demand. Will the firms continually try to make changes that will improve the profitability of the firm? We assume that yes they will. Firms are basically price takers. Now their main decision is what quantity of their product to produce. This is because as they hire more people they basically increase output so the decision hire more people and the decision to produce more are basically the same decision. The optimal output will equate marginal revenue with marginal cost. Marginal revenue is the product price in a purely competitive market. Marginal cost is therefore the cost to produce that unit. MPl is the change in output of the firm. What happens when a firm decides to produce more? They must hire more labor assuming that capital remains constant. If a firm could continuously hire more peole and increase their MRP then we would live in a utopian society with no unemployment and peace and happiness everywhere. But alas we live in a world with diminishing returns and as the firm highers more people it reaches a pont where each new person costs a little more when compared with their output then the person hired before them. A good example of this is digging a hole 4 feet by 8feet by 6feet . One person would do it in about half the time that two people could do it. But three people would not do it in one third of the time. This loss in efficiency is what I am talking about. In fact soon you couldnt fit all of he people into the hole and it would be so cramped that it would atually take longer to finish the hole. If this happened then they would have a negative marginal product of labor. So the firm should keep hiring people until its marginal revenue product exceeds its marginal expense. But can they get people to come to their camp? Some time scarcity in the labor force pushes the wage ratre up and this increases the marginal expense this will shift the employment level and reduce the amount that the firm is willing to hire unless at the same time marginal revenue product goes up. This will have the opposite effect and keep employment up. But under most circumstances one of these moves more than the other and a new equilibrium is found. What this can really be used for in my personal life is the determination of wages. Before this class I had no idea how I would decide how may people to hire. Now I know that if I hire two people for 10 dollars per hour then they had better be adding at least x*$10 per hour to my company. What a bonus it was to end up taking your class and have something that I can immediatley put to use in the real world. Now I will comment on the supply of labor. A lot of this is intuitive. I understood it without knowing why or how. It just feels right. If the salries for all markets except one are held constant and that markets average wage increases then we should see a rise in the supply of people willing to be secretaries. What I find intersting about this is that this increase in the supply of secretaries should lower the amount of money that the employer is willing to pay. What stabilizes higer wages are other factors. Such as the cost of training and finding new employees just to name a couple. Sometimes the labor supply will decrese while the demand for labor increases this will result in magnified wage increases. This is because the firms in that market have to compete more ferociously for labor and since demand for their product is high they are willing to

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Range of semiconductor devices and circuits Coursework

Range of semiconductor devices and circuits - Coursework Example A good diode should posses forward to reverse resistance ratio of 10:1 with others with the ratio up to 100:1. If a diode is open, it will show infinite resistance in both directions. On the other hand, a shorted resistance will show low resistance in both directions. The procedure for testing the diode using an ohmmeter only is as illustrated in the following steps. 1. The Ohmmeter is configured to measure on the lowest range. If it’s a digital ohmmeter, a 2-kohm range or the nearest equivalent is used. 2. The ohmmeter leads are connected across the diode with the positive red probe on the P-material and the negative black probe on the N- material as shown in the diagram below. 3. The measured resistance of the diode is measured; Rf is recorded after which the setup is disconnected. 4. After the disconnection, the leads of the ohmmeter are reversed and connected in the reverse direction i.e. the positive red probe is connected to the N – material on the diode and the n egative black probe is connected to the P – material on the diode as indicated in the figure below. 5. The measured reverse resistance RR (reverse resistance is recorded) 6. The forward and the reverse resistance ratio is calculated as RR/RF 7. If the reverse resistance ratio is equal to one or very close to one, then the diode is faulty. In the same way the polarity of the diode can be identified. When the diode shows infinite resistance the material connecting to the positive red probe of the ohmmeter is the P – material of the diode. On the contrary, the part connected to the Negative black probe of the ohmmeter is the N – material of the Diode. Question3 VRMS = Vm*0.7071 = 100*0.7071 =70.71 Question 4 a) Ripple factor = Vrms/Vdc Capacitance = 50micro Farad 50*80*10-6 =4000*10-6 4*10-3 (4*10-3)*2500 10 10*2 = 20 20* v3 = 34.64 34.64*4 = 138.56 1/138.56 = 0.0072 Ripple factor = 0.0072*100% = 0.72% b) 50*100*10-6 5*10-3 (5*10-3)*12000 60,000*10-3 =60 60*2 = 120 120* v3= 207.84 207.84*4 = 831.38 1/831.38 = 0.0012 Ripple factor = 0.0012*100% = 0.12% Question 5 Block diagram of a complete power supply Analyze the operation of different types of amplifier Summing up amplifier This type of amplifier is used to add two voltages. The output voltage is equivalent to the sum of the input voltages. With summing up amplifiers, the output voltage cannot be greater than the power supply in case of exceeding the power supply, the amplifier is damaged. Summing up amplifiers are of twp types, Non – inverting and inverting amplifiers. Non – inverting amplifiers does not have an effect on the polarity of t

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Methods of Raise Capital Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Methods of Raise Capital - Essay Example Bonds are the best way to raise capital of large companies. Roughly about 25% of the capital comes through bonds. Companies get benefit greatly from the issuance of bonds because investors pay a lower interest rate than the rates of other types of borrowing. Also, because the interest paid on bonds is exempted from business taxes. Therefore, companies must make interest payments even if profits do not appear. If there is doubt from investors that the company does not have the capability to meet the obligations of interest, or it could refuse to buy bonds or that the demand for interest rate will be higher to compensate them for their increased risk. (U.S.Department, 2009). One of the most common methods of raising capital is through bonds , where we define bonds are loans made to governments and institutions by investors as the investor get a specific interest rate because he invests his money in good investment idea. In return, the borrower gets the money it needed, also the investo r gets the original amount invested (the principal amount or value of the bond issue) and can issue bonds for a long period of up to 20 and 30 years. Bonds are classified according to their quality bonds or prospects for reimbursement. Bonds do not usually find the same attention, such as equity from investors and the media. Since the bonds offer many advantages better than stock. In addition, safety of bonds is over stocks and more confident. (Mohammed, 2005). There are many companies planning to raise their capital. For example, Lloyds Bank announced that it will raise the bank's capital to 7.5 billion pounds, through the exchange of bonds. (Glover, 2009). The bond market can be divided into three parts: Domestic bonds: Shall be handled through the local currency and it is issued by domestic borrowers. Foreign bonds: Shall be handled by the local currency and is also trading in the domestic market but issued from foreign borrower and always common on the comprehensive follow-up of power. Eurobonds: Eurobonds is underwriting by multinational banks and these bonds are not taken by the trading in all markets and specific national or local markets, these bonds are currently has role in the production of some of the major currencies and some small currencies. There are many types of bonds are offered in the market. These bonds can be dividing it as follows: Straight bonds: Can be called fixed-income securities as they have a fixed price and are paid on time. Bonds paid in part: These bonds the same straight bonds, but there is a difference that the investor must pay a certain portion of the capital from 0 to 33 on the closing date and paid the remaining of the capital after 6 months. Zero-coupon bond: These bonds also the same straight bonds, but the difference is that it does not have a fixed time for the payment of benefits, but there is a problem in high-value discounts and must pay the original amou

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Hospital Acquired Infections Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Hospital Acquired Infections - Essay Example According to the study both patients and healthcare providers should collaborative to alleviate favorability of the environment that allows HAIs to thrive. Resolutions to this problem should also focus on the likely implications that they create. Ethical, legal, financial, social, economic, and political implications are realized in the HAIs context. Every individual that these implications affect can actively constitute a resolution to the underlying problem. In other words, the collaboration of patients and healthcare providers at all levels serve as an adequate source of solutions to the problem of HAIs and subsequent negative implications. This paper outlines that healthcare organizations among other stakeholders in the healthcare sector already run measures and programs that are tailored towards alleviating the problem of HAIs and the implications it poses to the healthcare sector. In other words, there are some solutions that are already implemented in healthcare organizations. Hospitals and other healthcare facilities run preventative measures to minimize cases of HAIs, which consequently influences the manner in which HAIs implications are dealt with. Creating awareness about HAI and other related infections have exacerbated in the recent times. On the same note, addressing medical errors, HAIs included is not a cheap pursuit. Funds have been mobilized and still continue to be mobilized for healthcare pursuits that relate to medical errors. Interventions and intensive research into medical errors, and specifically HAIs continue to be undertaken, serving as a critical resolution pursuit to HAI and other medical errors problems.  

Friday, November 15, 2019

Netflix Business Model Analysis and SWOT

Netflix Business Model Analysis and SWOT 1 Introduction Netflix is the worlds largest online movie rental service with over 6.3 million members and a collection of more than 75,000 titles. They are known for both their excellent customer service and their convenient and user-friendly interface on their award-winning website. Though Netflix has received many criticisms, it has continually grown and thrived in the movie rental market. New technology has enabled Netflix to provide high quality streaming videos directly to their subscribers PCs. This service is being rolled out over the first six months of 2007, free of charge, to Netflixs current subscribers. In order to maintain its superior position in the in home filmed-entertainment, Netflix must enter the Video On Demand (VOD) market immediately. By entering the VOD market through offering streaming videos, Netflix will be able to differentiate itself from its competitors, and reduce the likelihood of price competition. Offering a movie streaming service as opposed to a movie downloading service will further aid it in differentiating itself. For the short run, Netflix needs to incorporate the service of streaming movies to complement its DVD rental service. In the long run, after the popularity of streaming movies has grown and the technicalities of this service are fixed, Netflix can separate the DVD rental and streaming movies services, offering two different sets of plans. Pursuing this strategy is vital to Netflixs future, because as new innovations in technology become popular, the DVD-rental subset of the home movie market will shrink, while the downloading and streaming of movies will eventually come to dominate the majority of this market. Therefore, the correct implementation of Netflixs entry into the VOD market, wi ll serve as a bridge strategy, aiding Netflix in its evolution from a DVD rental service to a distributor of digital entertainment. 2 A Closer Look at Netflixs History Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph founded Netflix in 1997. DVDs were a relatively new technology, with less than a thousand titles available at the time, but Hastings and Randolph believed it had potential to replace the VHS format. The company began operating in April 1998, offering 7-day rentals for about $6. Netflix, along with Magic Disc, DVD Express, and, were the first few companies to rent DVDs by mail. Netflix differentiated itself by spending heavily in promotions. It created partnerships with companies selling the most vital complementary good, a DVD player. It offered free rentals with the purchase of DVD players from Toshiba and Pioneer and computers with DVD drives from HP and Apple. However, Netflix was in direct competition with in selling DVDs so they came to a compromise in December 1998: Netflix would stop selling DVDs in exchange for being heavily promoted on Amazons website[2]. Netflix began to partner with online movie information providers and promoted more features on its website to attract more customers. In September 1999, it began the Marquee Program, offering 4 DVDs rentals per month with no late fees or due dates for a monthly subscription fee[2]. In February 2000, it introduced CineMatch, a program that evaluates the rental patterns of customers, identifying which movies customers of similar tastes would enjoy[3]. Both programs were highly popular and soon Netflix did not rent out individual DVDs, relying fully on the Marquee Program. Continuing its aggressive marketing and networking campaign, Netflix signed a deal with major DVD produc- ers, such as Warner Home Video and Columbia Tri-Star. In exchange for cheaper prices on large quantities of DVDs, the movie studios received a portion of the rental receipts[2]. As the success of Netflix grabbed the attention of the media, competitors began to respond. In the summer of 2002, Blockbuster started its own unlimited rentals and no late fee subscription plan and bought out an online DVD rental company. Wal-Mart and Columbia House also tried to amass large volumes of DVD titles to compete with Netflix. However, Netflix already had a solid foothold in the market, fending off these major competitors. In re- sponse, it announced the opening of more distribution facilities. Five years after its debut, Netflix finally began to produce profits[2]. On January 16, 2007 Netflix issued a press release regarding a New Feature Will Be Included in Subscribers Monthly Membership at no Extra Charge. For every dollar a user pays for their subscription, they will be able to view one hour of streaming video from a selection of about 1,000 movies and TV series on their PCs. Netflix also announced that they plan to expand the technology to reach every Internet-connected screen, from cell phones to PCs to plasma screens[10]. 3 SWOT Analysis 3.1 Strengths Entry timing Netflix entered the market for DVD rentals at a time when there were few other competitors in the market, allowing them to establish their brand name and image for providing a unique service. They were the first to offer DVD rental by mail and this allowed them to offer a greater variety of DVDs to consumers as compared to their competitors at the time, as DVDs were relatively new to the market. Combined with its successful business model, Netflixs early entry has allowed it to maintain a high relative market share in the online DVD rental industry. Understands weaknesses of competitors: Customer Satisfaction From the start, Netflix understood what irritated many video rental store customers: late fees. Usually after renting and watching a movie from a store such as Blockbuster, the customer has to rush to return the movie on the subsequent day (before midnight) or pay a late fee comparable to the price of the rental. Although Blockbuster does get an estimated 18% of its total revenue from late fees, it leaves the customer annoyed, frustrated, and unsatisfied. On the other hand, Netflix lets the customer keep the DVD until the customer wants to see the next one in their queue, allowing the fredom to return the movie at ones convenience[1]. Networked connections with many partners and even potential competitors From the very beginning of its entry into the market, Netflix understood the importance of making partner- ships with the movie industry, the electronics industry, and retailers[1]. Netflixs name was spread widely through promotions with complementary products, such as DVD players and movie websites. When it saw as a competitor, it stopped selling DVDs to cease all tensions in exchange for being promoted on their website. Additionally, quality leadership has enabled Netflix to stay afloat despite the advent of powerful competitors like Wal-Mart. Not only was Reed Hastings able to fend off Wal-Marts attempt to bankrupt Netflix, he was able to convince Wal-Mart to encourage customers to switch to Netflix after the Wal-Mart service fell through[3]. By staying strong but cooperative, Netflix ended up profiting from many threats. Award-winning website Netflixs website boasts many features. Netflixs CineMatch implements an award-winning algorithm that can predict with surprisingly consistent accuracy what movies someone would prefer given their previous rental history, planned future rentals, and ratings of movies theyve seen in the past[4]. Furthermore, theyre constantly trying to improve the CineMatch program: Netflix is offering a prize of $1 million for a better algorithm[18]. Netflixs large subscription base has allowed a small type of network externality to take shape. More Netflix subscribers means more people rate movies, write reviews for movies, and recommend movies to one another. This also helps fine-tune the accuracy of the CineMatch program. Unique and very large selection of DVDs Netflix has the largest and most diverse collection of DVDs out of any competitor. They have more than 75,000 titles, including foreign films and independent films that are usually not carried by other distributors such as Blockbuster Video and Wal-Mart[7]. Foreign films such as those from Indias Bollywood are particularly successful at attracting customer attention[2]. This selection of movies taps into the underserved population of consumers who are solely with Netflix because the unique titles Netflix has to offer cannot be found for rent elsewhere in the United States. 3.2 Weaknesses Like most brick-and-mortar rental businesses, Netflix often has trouble providing enough copies of new, popular movies. As a result, a main cause of customer dissatisfaction is Netflixs inability to completely satisfy the initial rush for a new movie. However, the company knows it would be unprofitable in the long run to buy more copies just to serve the rush when a movie first becomes available, because the copies will not be rented with nearly as much frequency soon after the rush. Customers have caught on to the fact that Netflix only purchases a limited quantity of new releases right away, opting to wait a few weeks to buy the bulk of its supply at lower costs. While this might save Netflix money, it also has the tendency to drive away current and potential customers. Finally, Netflix does not have a direct connection to any movie studios so it must purchase its entire media through the consumer market[5]. One disadvantage of Netflixs rent-by-mail business model is that customers have to wait (often for several days) for the next movie on their queue to arrive in their mailbox. In many cases, by the time the subscriber receives the DVD, he or she may no longer be in the mood to see that particular movie. Likewise, a Netflix subscriber may feel like watching a movie on a night where all of the DVDs that are part of their plan are currently on route to or from a Netflix distribution center. In such a case, the customer will likely leave the home and rent a movie from a brick-and-mortar retailer, or perhaps order a movie from a service such as Pay-Per-View or iN DEMAND. 3.3 Opportunities Netflix is in a position to expand right now. Previously, sending movies to customers through the mail was a novelty in the rental industry. Now, delivering movies straight to computers of customers is likely to be the next revolution in how consumers view movies in their homes[6]. Luckily for Netflix, this service is only available as a per-viewing basis. Netflix can seize this opportunity if it is successful in efficiently providing streaming content to a customer on a time usage basis rather than a per-viewing basis. In addition, active management could possibly enable Netflix to absorb current providers of this service, such as Movielink, in a way similar to how it absorbed Wal-Marts DVD division. 3.4 Threats The clearest threat to Netflix is Blockbuster and other established rental businesses. Beyond this, customer satisfaction is the only aspect of this business that can make or break a company. If Netflix were to lose its wholesome, reliable image, it might not be able to retain enough of the market to survive. Also, companies like Apple can potentially harm Netflix if they are able to provide services through ones computer that can be easily ported to ones TV[6]. Netflix is less suited to compete with hardware innovations such as Apple TV because it has little to no experience in this area, though such innovations may eventually be complementary rather than competitive. Moreover, there is always the threat of entry by another firm, especially into the VOD industry, a closely related industry, which Netflix is about to enter. 4 Six Forces Analysis of the Video on Demand Industry By offering streaming movies through its website, Netflix is entering the Video on Demand (VOD) industry. This industry, along with DVD rentals (both from online providers such as Netflix, and cable services such as On Demand and Pay-Per-View), is part of the larger industry of watching movies in the home. However, since Netflix is already positioned in this market, with its online DVD rentals, we will examine the smaller portion of the market that is streaming online movies. This business is too closely related to the movie downloading service to be considered as a separate market. 4.1 Entry The Video on Demand industry requires a significant level of capital, so potential entrants face the large sunk costs of acquiring licenses to the movies they want to provide. Moreover, it is too expensive for a firm considering this market to merely test the waters. An established video rental retailer already has experience in marketing movies to people, giving them an experience advantage over potential entrants. Netflix, for example, invested over $40 million to launch its Watch Now streaming video service, shocking many shareholders[6]. These shareholders reactions only highlight the risk involved with such sunk costs. Netflixs Watch Now feature will be fully integrated with its normal online DVD rental website. A firm without the technological advantage of a website with movie-recommendation algorithms like Netflixs CineMatch program is at a significant disadvantage. Moreover, Netflixs website alreay has reams of user reviews and input, that a new firm would be unable to match for years. The technology to offer high-quality downloads is also a barrier to entry, but this barrier is small because such technology is available for licensing from third parties. In this market, product differentiation takes the form of varying quality in the downloaded movies, yet it should be noted that all firms will at least have to offer quality that is very close to DVD quality in order to ensure that discerning customers continue to use their service. Besides quality, differentiation exists in the type of service offered by a company: streaming movies, permanent downloads, or limited time downloads. In sum, this is an industry where entry is difficult for all but the most experienced firms with already established online movie rental/sale experience. These firms are more likely to thrive in this market due to their experience, reputation, and recognizable brand names. 4.2 Rivalry The movie download industry, like the online DVD industry, is not very concentrated[20], and so the few market leaders that share the market may engage in rivalrous price competition. A key example of this is Netflixs and Blockbusters recent price war[8], which lasted until both resolved to settle on a higher price through tacit collusion. A variety of services are being offered in the online movie industry. Amazon Unbox sells movies that one can download and keep on ones harddrive for one to two days[9]. Netflixs Watch Now feature ties in its streaming movie service with its online DVD rental service. Current Netflix customers will get this service for free, which will cost significantly less than Amazon Unbox. Because the product is not easy to differentiate, the competition focuses more on the services provided with the product than the price. An existing variety of movies is essential in this market because consumers will frown upon not finding a movie they want to see. The entry barriers mentioned in the previous section will prevent small and undifferentiated firms from entering the market, practically ensuring that the prices will not be competitive. With a low concentration of firms and emerging differentiation, this industry will not likely be especially rivalrous. 4.3 Supplier Power Netflix and its competitors buy their movies from the movie studios that create the films. The major studios have marginal supplier power in the online movie download market because they are the exclusive source of big name movies that customers desire. These highly popular movies have practically no substitutes in the rental market. However, buyer concentration in this new market is relatively high[20], so suppliers tend to want to sell their product to all of the companies in the market to maximize their revenue. This reduces competition for supply and therefore prevents supplier power from being very high. In this particular market, studios may be concerned with cannibalizing their own product[6]. By making inexpensive movie downloading available to customers, they may lose sales on the more profitable hard case DVD sales. Therefore, large studios may be more willing to withhold licensing agreements to movie download providers such as Netflix, thus strengthening their own supplier power. Overall, the suppliers to this market have only enough power to slightly control prices, but not enough power to influence the evolution of the market as a whole because they must sell their product to survive. 4.4 Substitutes The main substitutes to streaming movies are brick-and-mortar rental stores, online rentals, pay per view TV and theatres. Brick-and-mortar rental stores provide the same service with possibly a better selection of movies as compared to movies available for download by Netflix, but they do not provide the instant gratification of downloading or streaming them whenever a customer desires[3]. Furthermore, the streaming movies service provided by Netflix is more cost effective than these other substitutes because Netflix plans to allot its users a total amount of stream time. For instance, if a customer decides after 20 minutes of watching a movie that he does not want to watch it anymore, switching to another movie incurs no extra cost. Substitutes such as buying per download or traditional renting do not offer this convenience. For this reason, these are weak substitutes to streaming videos. 4.5 Buyer Power Buyer power is very low in this market because one customers decision to buy the service or not will not affect the overall market at all. Similarly, one customers dissatisfaction will not influence a significant amount of other customers. The source of dissatisfaction would have to be concerning an inferior product or service to incite such a widespread response. Clearly, this is not something an independent customer can control. There are substitutes for movie rentals, but these are weak substitutes. Buyers can rent movies from local brick-and-mortar businesses, but this is not nearly as convenient as the instant-gratification downloading of movies. In a broader aspect, a customer always has the option to not spend their free time watching movies, no matter what the source, so the price of rental services cannot climb much higher than they currently are. Overall, individual customers do not hold bargaining power over the price of products in this market; however, the prices themsel ves are regulated by the substitutes and preferences of customers as a whole. 4.6 Complements Technology is the main complement to streaming videos offered by Netflix. The basic complement required is high bandwidth. According to Netflix, a consistent bandwidth of 3 megabits per second is required[10] to watch streaming videos online at DVD quality. This bandwidth is already present in over 47% of US households, which means over 50 million households have broadband service available[14]. Because the required infrastructure is already well developed, Netflix has access to a large customer base. This figure is projected to grow to 55% by the end of 2007, making it a dependable complement. Apart from bandwidth, another possible complement is a product similar to AppleTV that allows users to watch streaming videos directly on their big-screen televisions[15]. Currently, users with S-Video capability can connect their desktops to their televisions but this does not provide the simple and elegant solution the average Netflix customer is looking for. With easy methods to view stream ing videos on the television, physical media (CDs, DVDs, etc.) would be much less functional in the movie rental industry. 5 Netflixs Entry into the VOD Industry via Streaming Movies In our analysis below we will examine Netflixs current business model to find that their business can suc- cessfully incorporate such VOD offering. Netflixs choice of providing streaming content as opposed to downloadable movies allows it to differentiate its service from others in the market, thus aiding Netflix in its strategic positioning. There are both advantages and disadvantages in tying in this new service with Netflixs current subscription plans as opposed to offering the services separately, but the two can complement one another at this early stage in Netflixs entry. These proposed strategies will place Netflix in a strong position in the newly developing market of VOD, and can act as a bridge to allow Netflix to leave the DVD rental industry as physical media becomes obsolete. 5.1 Business Definition The question arises, however, as to how streaming videos and DVD rentals can both fit within Netflixs business definition. There exist scale economies associated with the offering or bundling both of the services, as Netflixs good relations with the movie studios will help enable it to negotiate better prices for its streaming movies. Much of Netflixs existing infrastructure, including its award-winning website cited to be one of Netflixs keys to success, will also apply to streaming movies. The same page that allows one to add a movie to their queue will have a Watch Now button allowing the user to begin streaming the movie immediately. Moreover, a substantial proportion of customers who rent movies online will be open to watching streaming movies, as both are ways of watching movies at home. Streaming videos may be used as a way to sift through movies they are considering to watch on DVD. Since these two somewhat different services have a similar consumer base and share benefits in cost structure, they can both be successfully integrated into the same business model. On the downside, however, it should be noted that many of the elements that allowed Netflix to succeed in renting out DVDs via mail, will not carry over to the digital distribution market. For example, superior logistics in mailing out DVDs and processing receieved DVDs will not aid Netflix in addressing bandwidth problems. The business model will have to undergo some changes if Netflix decides to offer a stand-alone streaming plan in the future (see Tying-in DVD Rentals and Streaming Movies below). 5.2 Netflixs Choice of Streaming Video over Movie Downloads The Online Video on Demand industry has consisted of services such as Amazon Unbox and Movielink which allow users to download a movie for a fixed cost of about $3 and have 24 to 48 hours to view it. Recently, Starz launched Vongo, which allows users to download and watch movies for an unlimited amount per month, but are only allowed to choose from a catalog that is mostly representative of movies currently airing on one or more of Starzs cable television channels[11]. Therefore, Netflixs immediate entry into the VOD market will mark the arrival of one of the first monthly payment-based content providers that will allow viewers to watch their movies via streaming video files, similar to the format that has been popularized on websites such as YouTube and Google Video with higher quality. Perhaps the greatest advantage to streaming video is that it offers an even greater instant gratification incentive than downloadable VOD movies, as one can get the former up and running within a couple minutes with a modest connection speed, whereas a full movie download will often take about a half hour or more. A disadvantage of Netflixs business model has been the waiting times associated with the turn-around between DVDs. Netflixs competitors have been quick to make use of their infrastructure to exploit this disadvantage. Blockbuster frequently gives monthly in-store movie rental benefits to its online subscribers such as a speedier gratification bonus, where the customer can drive to the store and rent a DVD for free to watch for the night while the DVDs previously requested online are still in transit[12]. Now, Netflix can take the lead again in offering the fastest way to watch a movie in ones home. 5.3 One Subscription: Tying-in DVD Rentals and Streaming Movies Netflixs Watch Now will be available at no additional cost to all subscribes within the first half of 2007; there is no plan offering only the streaming download service without DVD rentals. The bundling of these two services is a necessary component of Netflixs strategy. By doing so, Netflix will differentiate its service from the services offered by its competitors and use these complementary goods to reinforce one another (as mentioned above in Business Definition). Netflix simply needs to consider this new bundled feature as just another method of delivering their product. Movie studios who supply films to Netflix are afraid that this Watch Now feature will contribute to cannibalization of their own DVD sales market. They are also concerned with the potential piracy of streaming and downloaded videos[6]. Due to the studios unusual supplier power in this particular matter, the catalog of movies that can be streamed with Netflix is much smaller than the size of their total DVD catalog. If Netflix offered a separate streaming plan, it would have a library of only about 1,000 films and television series to offer to its subscribers, making it difficult to satisfy a wide range of consumers. Variety of selection has always been one of Netflixs keys to success, so spinning off a half-hearted stand alone service could potentially harm its brand name. Tying the two services together allows consumers to see that Netflix is expanding its features since it offers it at no increase in price. It is providing existing subscribers a greater value and giving potential subscribers more incentive to try Netflixs services. By offering the new product as a tie-in, consumers are presented with a unique service that they can only get from Netflix. Consumers are given the opportunity to see a movie precisely when they want to, but can still order a DVD they feel like watching later. This gives consumers the opportunity to see more movies for a relatively lower cost than using only rental services or only temporary download services. The threat of price competition is reduced because the bundle of services makes Netflix appear to be less of a direct threat to download-only VOD services. The only firms able to replicate Netflixs bundling structure are those with an established DVD rental infrastructure. However, Blockbuster is such a firm capable of imitating Netflixs bundling model, especially as it has recently entered negotiations to acquire Movielink, a movie downloading service that offers both downloadable purchases and temporary downloads[13][20]. Blockbusters interest in Movielink suggests that it will more specifically attempt to integrate movie download rentals and sales into its online subscription plans[13], as opposed to streaming content. Should Blockbuster acquire Movielink, it will be able to offer a similar subscription plan to that being offered by Netflix. This apparently small difference reduces the threat of price competition because it will present consumers with a dilemma of preference, rather than an obvious choice of choosing the cheaper of two seemingly identical services. At this early stage in Netflixs attempts in the VOD industry, it is important that Netflix ties in its VOD offerings with its existing, time-tested DVD rental service. This ensures Netflix offers a unique and differen- tiated good, while not risking Netflixs brand name due to the lack of selection in the movies being offered, potential problems that may arise due to Netflixs lack of experience in the industry, and the relatively new and untested technologies being put to use to offer these services. 5.4 Positioning for the Future Over time, Netflixs bundling of DVD rentals with streaming movies will enable them to work out any kinks they have with their ability to distribute movies digitally, while continuing to build a large customer base of subscribers. Traditionally, Netflix has relied on a combination of word-of-mouth suggestions from their existing subscribers and an aggressive marketing campaign[1]. Should they continue to market their services effectively, their subscriber base will grow steadily, and Netflix will be able to collect more personalized user data and become even more proficient at being able to personalize [their] library to each subscriber by leveraging [their] database of user preferences[17]. Netflixs compilation of this data and their subsequent understanding of their customer base will serve a vital part in aiding their positioning in the coming future. However, the future of the DVD rental industry is very unclear as newer forms of media are developed. There are several factors that could hurt the industry that Netflix and other DVD rental outlets have been paying attention to. It is predicted that DVD and its successor formats (Blu-Ray and HD-DVD) will be more prevalent than digitally distributed movies in the short term[6][19]. Yet as complementary technologies grow that will allow for streaming of high definition movies directly to HDTV, VOD will continue to gain popularity and will eventually unseat DVD and other physical forms of media as the dominant format for watching rented movies at home[17]. Technology, however, is not the only barrier to the inevitable prevalence of VOD. As previously mentioned, the studios are wary of allowing the legal digital distribution of films to take place on a major scale, as they rely on DVD sales for a large portion of their revenues. Moreover, if the studios start reducing the window of time in which a movie is exclusively available on DVD after its major theatrical run or allow movies to be distributed in the home in other formats before they can be distributed on DVD, Netflix and other DVD rental firms will be adversely affected[17]. They will no longer have a significant advantage in allowing consumers to view new releases first through their services and more substitutes emerge for viewing those new releases (Pay-Per View, iN DEMAND, etc.). The fate of the DVD rental industry largely depends on factors outside of the hands of Netflix and its competitors. In order to prepare for the demise of the DVD industry, Netflix must make its streaming services available under a separate subscription plan of its own. This point will likely come at a time when the penetration of technology allowing for viewing streaming content on high-end TVs is substantially high. The technology already exists in some ways; the Apple TV is used to wirelessly connect to ones computer and retrieve movies downloaded from the iTunes store onto the computer, then play those movies on ones television[16]. However, it will be some time before this expensive technology is adopted by the mainstream population to such an extent that the digital distribution of movies onto those TVs will return large profits. It is also at this time that Netflixs experience with streaming under the previous tie-in structure will aid it in completely changing its business model toward eventually becoming a digital distributor of filmed entertainment as opposed to a DVD rental outlet. The o ne important factor it will maintain from its rent-DVDs-by-mail days will be the aforementioned personalized library available to its subscriber. Netflix will continue to benefit from the advantages associated with its superior understanding of its customer base through their databases, which they have acquired over the years and will continue to develop. Clearly, Netflixs competitors will be trying to do the same. As mentioned before, Blockbusters acquisition of Movielink only serves to signal that it is also pursuing a similar strategy in trying to survive beyond the death of physical media[20]. Yet, Netflix has historically been more adept at understanding its consumers and delivering easier to use cont

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Essay on Role of Women in Chinua Achebes Things Fall Apart :: Things Fall Apart essays

Women in Things Fall Apart The position and image of women in Things Fall Apart is an important topic. Unfortunately, people have not paid much attention to it beyond going along with the assumption that this novel presents women as a sadly oppressed group with no power. This assumption may appear to be right, but there is much more to think about. Women in Things Fall Apart are the primary educators of children. Through story telling and other forms of discourse, they educate and socialize the children, inspiring in them intellectual curiosity about social values, relationships, and the human condition. The stories the women tell also develop the artistic consciousness of the children, in addition to entertaining them. The women bear children, cook and take care of the household in many other ways. Through their labor, they are an important pillar of the society. The presence of Chielo, the priestess in Things Fall Apart is instructive. She is a spiritual leader, whose authority is unquestioned. Grace Okafor comments on the Igbo view of women's ritualistic power: The ritualistic function of women emanated from belief in the ritual essence of women as progenitors of the society. The idea is that women know the secret of life since they are the source of life. Because of their biological function in the life-giving process, the society looks on them to safeguard life. Thus, it is the biological role of women that influenced belief in their power. (Okafor, 9-10) There is a memorable question that old Uchendu asks, which emphasizes the position of women in Things Fall Apart in a dramatic way: Can you tell me, Okonkwo, why it is that one of the commonest names we give to our children is Nneka, or "Mother is Supreme"? We all know that a man is the head of the family and his wives do his bidding. A child belongs to its father and his family and not to its mother and her family.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Abraham Lincoln: President of the USA Essay

Abraham Lincon was born Febuary 12, 1809 in a log cabin in Hardin County, Kentucky. Born in a farming family, with tradgedy around him, Lincon perservered. Lincon became the sixteenth president of the United States, and guided America through some of it’s biggest struggles, such as the Civil War. In a world full of â€Å"You cannot do it†, Lincon ignored hate, and through each failure, found success. Abraham Lincon was birthed by Nancy Lincon and Thomas Lincon. Two years before Lincon was born, his mother had a daughter name Sarah. Thomas Lincon was the traditional frontier farmer. Lincon grew up seeing his father as ignorant, and did not admire his father. Both of Lincon’s parents worshipped at an anti-slavery church, that was very contriversal during the time in the slave state of Kentucky. See more:  The 3 Types of Satire Essay Lincon once shot a turkey while on the farm, and the sight of blood and dying repulsed him, that day Lincon knew he was never going to be a marksman. Lincon’s mother at age thrity four died of a â€Å"mill sick† disease. The widowed Tom Lincon re-married, and moved the family to Ohio. The summer of 1828, Lincon read the Declaration of Independence and was drawn into it. After that Lincon began reading books on law, and attending political meetings. In 1831, on a trip to New Orleans Lincon witnessed the brutality of slavery, and it was there where he formed his opinon on slavery; injust. In 1833, Lincon ran for state legislature, and lost. Instead, Lincon was state assemblyman, and would soon go represent Henry Clay’s Whig party. Lincon soon had a growing repuation. Lincon ran for State Legislature against Stephen Douglas, and lost. Lincon had many ups and downs with women, his first wife, dying and then he met Mary Todd and married. Servants who worked for Mary found her very obnoxious. A close friend of Lincon called the Lincon household as â€Å"Domestic hell on Earth†. Abe and Mary’s son Eddie, died, and Mary was very devestated. Later that year, they had another child named William. Abe’s father Tom became ill, and died, and Abe did not attend the funeral or mark his grave. In 1858, Abe ran against Douglas for U.S. Senate and was defeated. In 1857, the Dred Scott case came along. Abe compltely supported the case, and believed that all men should be equal. Douglas always thought that Lincon was preaching for â€Å"Negro citizenship†. Abe preached slavery was ethucally wrong. Later, Abe was nominated for president, and succeeded. Now began the fight for Abe to end slavery. Abe believed that the only way to beat slavery and change the constitution is to change the will of the people (Keneally 65). Abe stated that the Civil War was not to free slaves, but to save the union. Abe had the union victory at Antietam, which would serve as a baisis for his first Emancipation Proclamation. On January 1, 1863, Abe freed the slaves in the rebel states. After his first term, Abe was re-elected as President of the United States. Earlier in the month of April 1865, Abe had a dream he died of asassination. On April 14th, the Lincons went to John Fords Theatre to see Laura Keene’s benifiet performance of the â€Å"Our American Cousin†. It was there in the box seating of the John Ford theatre that Abe was shot in the back of the head by John Wilkes Booth. After the shoot, Booth jumped on stage and yelled â€Å"sic semper tyrannis†, the audience believing it to be part of the play since Booth was a well-known actor. Abe passed later that night and became the bloodied nation incarnate (Keneally 175). Before I read this book, the only thing I really knew about Abe Lincon was that he freed the slaves, and was known as â€Å"Honest Abe†. Abraham Lincon was sort of a totured soul. He lost his mother, and never really got along with his father. Abe never had much luck with the ladies, but seemed like a man who would do anything for a woman he loved. I envy Abe in a way. Abraham Lincon should really be a synonym in the dictionary behind the word â€Å"Perserverance†. Abe ran for an election, and was defeated, ran again, and was defeated. Ran again, and was defeated. And so on, and so forth. Out of all of Abe’s defeats he found the greatest thing of all; success. Not once did Abe ever give up. I am sure he thought about it many times, and reached his breaking point all to much, but he never let that stop him. Abraham Lincon was a man of many things, he had a roughness about him, and was disportionally awkward and clumsy. Abe had many failures from being defeated countlessly, and death of family and friends, he overcame it all. Abe is debatedly one of the best Presidents of the United States, and through defeat, he found success and his legacy will remain forever.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on The Gift And The Task Of The Reign Of God

The ambiguity that is the reign of God. Not defined yet debated throughout the course of history. What does the term ‘reign of God’ mean? Is it a patriarchy or monarchy controlled by a divine being? Is it the teachings that God bestowed onto the prophets for generations to learn and comprehend? As we continue on, the debate will go on, but some of the questions will be answered. The debate started when the Jewish Testament and the New Testament arrived at different views of God. The Jewish Testament viewed God as angry, vengeful, and full of wrath for humankind. The New Testament viewed God as a forgiving and loving omnipotent being that will answer to those who are in need. As by the description, both sides have conflicting views of the being. Both so extreme that it could be possible that God may fall in between the two views and take on both sides. Many have misinterpreted what is the reign of God, and history has documented the case. The Crusades had both the Christians and the Middle Eastern world fighting gory feuds on which side is right and which side is wrong. For centuries, there was no resolve and peace among both parties. A simple misinterpretation took these wars into a new level that would even be considered to be bloody by today’s standards. In the long run, neither side won because no new views came into shape and proof was impossible to come by. This is an example of how religion can backfire on a divine being and separating instead of integrating. Many have come to extreme view that there is no reign of God but only the course of actions that the world bring upon itself. It would be pretty simplistic to say that since no man or woman have physically seen God, than God cannot exist. Even though I am not going to take the route that I recently mentioned, I will disagree with Cardinal Kasper on his views of the reign of God. As follows. Earlier I mentioned about the inconsistency of both the Jewish and New... Free Essays on The Gift And The Task Of The Reign Of God Free Essays on The Gift And The Task Of The Reign Of God The ambiguity that is the reign of God. Not defined yet debated throughout the course of history. What does the term ‘reign of God’ mean? Is it a patriarchy or monarchy controlled by a divine being? Is it the teachings that God bestowed onto the prophets for generations to learn and comprehend? As we continue on, the debate will go on, but some of the questions will be answered. The debate started when the Jewish Testament and the New Testament arrived at different views of God. The Jewish Testament viewed God as angry, vengeful, and full of wrath for humankind. The New Testament viewed God as a forgiving and loving omnipotent being that will answer to those who are in need. As by the description, both sides have conflicting views of the being. Both so extreme that it could be possible that God may fall in between the two views and take on both sides. Many have misinterpreted what is the reign of God, and history has documented the case. The Crusades had both the Christians and the Middle Eastern world fighting gory feuds on which side is right and which side is wrong. For centuries, there was no resolve and peace among both parties. A simple misinterpretation took these wars into a new level that would even be considered to be bloody by today’s standards. In the long run, neither side won because no new views came into shape and proof was impossible to come by. This is an example of how religion can backfire on a divine being and separating instead of integrating. Many have come to extreme view that there is no reign of God but only the course of actions that the world bring upon itself. It would be pretty simplistic to say that since no man or woman have physically seen God, than God cannot exist. Even though I am not going to take the route that I recently mentioned, I will disagree with Cardinal Kasper on his views of the reign of God. As follows. Earlier I mentioned about the inconsistency of both the Jewish and New...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Names, Functions, and Locations of Cranial Nerves

Names, Functions, and Locations of Cranial Nerves The cranial nerves are nerves that arise from the brain and exit the skull through holes (cranial foramina) at its base rather than through the spinal cord. Peripheral nervous system connections with various organs and structures of the body are established through cranial nerves and spinal nerves. While some cranial nerves contain only sensory neurons, most cranial nerves and all spinal nerves contain both motor and sensory neurons. Function Cranial nerves are responsible for the control of a number of functions in the body. Some of these functions include directing sense and motor impulses, equilibrium control, eye movement and vision, hearing, respiration, swallowing, smelling, facial sensation, and tasting. The names and major functions of these nerves are listed below. Olfactory Nerve: Sense of smellOptic Nerve: VisionOculomotor Nerve: Eyeball and eyelid movementTrochlear Nerve: Eye movementTrigeminal Nerve: This is the largest cranial nerve and is divided into three branches consisting of the ophthalmic, maxillary and mandibular nerves. Functions controlled include facial sensation and chewing.Abducens Nerve: Eye movementFacial Nerve: Facial expressions and sense of tasteVestibulocochlear Nerve: Equilibrium and hearingGlossopharyngeal Nerve: Swallowing, sense of taste, and saliva secretionVagus Nerve: Smooth muscle sensory and motor control in throat, lungs, heart, and digestive systemAccessory Nerve: Movement of neck and shouldersHypoglossal Nerve: Movement of tongue, swallowing, and speech Location The cranial nerves consist of 12 paired nerves that arise from the brainstem. The olfactory and optic nerves arise from the anterior portion of the brain called the cerebrum. The oculomotor and trochlear cranial nerves stem from the midbrain. The trigeminal, abducens, and facial nerves arise in the pons. The vestibulocochlear nerve arises in the inner ears and goes to the pons. The glossopharyngeal, vagus, accessory and hypoglossal nerves are attached to the medulla oblongata. Sensory Cranial Nerves Snellen chart test assesses visual acuity and optic nerve function. CentralITAlliance/iStock/Getty Images Plus There are three sensory cranial nerves: olfactory (I), optic (II), and vestibulocochlear (VIII). These cranial nerves are responsible for our senses of smell, vision, hearing, and equilibrium. Medical professionals test cranial nerve I by having a person close their eyes and one nostril while inhaling a scent such as coffee or vanilla. An inability to recognize a scent may indicate problems with the sense of smell and cranial nerve I. Central and peripheral vision are under the control of optic nerve (II). Examiners test visual acuity using a Snellen chart. Vestibulocochlear nerve (VIII) functions in hearing and can be assessed with the whisper test. The examiner stands behind the person and whispers a sequence of letters into one ear while the person holds a hand over the non-tested ear. The process is repeated with the opposite ear. Ability to repeat the whispered words indicate proper function. Motor Cranial Nerves Motor nerves function in movement of anatomical structures. Motor cranial nerves include the oculomotor (III), trochlear (IV), abducens (VI), accessory (XI), and hypoglossal (XII) nerves. Cranial nerves III, IV, and VI control eye movement. The oculomotor nerve controls pupil constriction and is assessed using a penlight. Light is briefly advanced from the outer edge of the eye to the center of the eye and pupil responses are observed. The trochlear and abducens nerves are often tested by having a person follow an examiners finger movements with his or her eyes only. The accessory nerve controls movement of the neck and shoulders. It is tested by having a person shrug his or her shoulders and turn their head from side to side against resistance from the the examiners hand. The hypoglossal nerve controls movement of the tongue, swallowing, and speech. Assessment of this nerve involves asking the person to stick out his or her tongue to ensure that it is midline. Mixed Cranial Nerves   normaals/iStock/Getty Images Plus Mixed nerves have both sensory and motor function. Mixed cranial nerves include the trigeminal (V), facial (VII), glossopharyngeal (IX), and vagus (X) nerves. The trigeminal nerve is the largest cranial nerve and is involved in facial sensation, chewing, and corneal reflex. Facial sensations are often checked by rubbing soft and blunt objects on various areas of the face. Chewing is typically tested by having the person open and close his or her mouth. The facial nerve controls facial expressions and is involved in taste sensation. This nerve is commonly tested by observing for facial symmetry. The glossopharyngeal nerve plays a role in swallowing, sense of taste, and saliva secretion. The vagus nerve is involved in smooth muscle sensory and motor control in the throat, lungs, heart, and digestive system. Cranial nerves IX and X are typically assessed together. The person is asked to say ah while the examiner observes movement of the palate. Swallowing ability and the ability to tast e different foods are also tested. Sources Facing Cranial Nerve Assessment. American Nurse Today, 17 May 2019,  Seladi-Schulman, Jill. The 12 Cranial Nerves. Healthline, Healthline Media,

Sunday, November 3, 2019

A short story or a poem Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

A short story or a poem - Essay Example It was actually a fine day, which means when it was not particularly busy and we have some time for ourselves. I remember myself pushing some chairs, dragging them out of boredom and sheer laziness that they make some scraping sounds on the floor. I noted how, Mrs. Dory, an elderly regular and the only customer present, darted me piercing looks for annoying her fine breakfast. I ignored her entirely as I twiddled with some condiments on my hands, sending some caps down the floor in the process. Everyone was doing the same, on the counter Easton was still probably mooning over the past weekend, back at the kitchen the other guys must be asleep out of non-exhaustion, except probably with Marie, who were outside with her sun and reading her book. Needless to say, Tim was absent to cheer every one up. Just as Mrs. Dory was rising, perhaps to complain about my behavior, a woman was suddenly at the door. It was nothing much, really, except for the fact that there was only Mrs. Dory and I and the Easton visibly present. I was immediately jolted back from my troubles, out of my tantrums and, automatically, forced a smile on my face to welcome the newcomer. She was about 40, smallish - frail, if you may - and had the shock of black hair, which, now that I think about it, resembled the mop that framed Tims head. Anyway, she was making his way towards Easton, clutching a paper with her hand draped on her breast. The counter was close so I overheard her faint words. "Well, actually, theres no manager. Theres only the owner, Mr. Craig who comes here every so often to check on us. But if you have any message for him, I could just tell him or you can go back tomorrow afternoon. He will be here." There is really nothing like being told that someone close to you, of your own age and someone who have worked with you for a long time have died so suddenly. I, honestly, did not know what to say. Everything was like a blur and next thing I know she was gone and there was

Friday, November 1, 2019

Strategic marketing communications Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Strategic marketing communications - Essay Example Bottom up processing is one where the lower levels of management communicate with the higher level of management and this is where ideas might be floated up and also problems and concerns about various factors within the organization are communicated to the higher levels so that they can take action and solve the problems, the more efficient this process, the more loyal the employees are to the company because if they feel that they are being heard by the upper management they feel that they are a part of the organization as well because they have a role to play in the betterment of the organization and that is why their problems are being heard and solved. This kind of communication can be encouraged in many ways, for example having the same lunch or refreshment areas for all the levels of employees so that they can communicate in an environment with out being intimidated by the rank of the person that they wish to communicate with, the top management should be seen by the lower lev els of the employee ranks because that helps them to identify with individuals and the organization on the whole. Top down processing is where the top levels of management communicate with their subordinates with respect to the job instructions and other types of policy implementation, this kind of processing is very important because the dynamics of the organization depend on such type of a communications policy, generally it has been seen that companies that have a effective top down communication strategy have been able to reap much more employee loyalty and productivity rather than those companies that have a poor strategy in top down processing of communication, this is because companies that are better at this kind of communication can implement change effectively and frequently because they can communicate the though process behind the change process to the lower levels of employees and the employees feel and believe that the company has their betterment in mind when it feels the need to change any of the processes. This kind of communication process can be implemented by having a good telecommunication technology in place because people need to be told simultaneously of the policy changes that are being implemented and it is more faster than normal modes of communication. (Kotelnikov, 2005) (Monmouth, 2006) Managing Partnerships The horizontal communication process takes place between employees at the same levels, or managers at the same level, for example the marketing manager of an organization speaking to the financial manager and discussing the marketing budget. This kind of communication is very important because this is where bottlenecks can be created or avoided and projects can be given a boost, for strengthening this kind of process infrequent communication and communication in a work free environment or a casual environment can be encouraged. At this level partnerships and cross functional teams are created that help each other to achieve the organization's goal more effectively and efficiently. (Kotelnikov, 200