Saturday, December 28, 2019

Animal Farm And 1984 George Orwell Analysis - 889 Words

George Orwell used the theme of betrayal to show how the society in both â€Å"Animal Farm† and â€Å"1984† controls the people. Both books have a totalitarian government controlling everyone but in 1984 the government has people betray each other to gain power. People do as they’re told and lose the relationships such as family, friends, or intimate relationships, all of which they would have in a normal society. The government does this so each individual becomes alienated from each other and feels like the only person they can trust is Big Brother. Historically, Big Brother could be referring to Joseph Stalin. During World War II Stalin was nicknamed â€Å"Uncle Joe† or â€Å"The Father of all Russians† this is probably an attempt to connect with his†¦show more content†¦Winston is so desperate for love that he doesn’t think much about the consequences of this encounter. He goes from wanting to kill Julia to loving her within a fe w days. As their relationship grows, they both become more and more comfortable with rebelling and testing the limits of their freedom. The glass around the paperweight represents the limits of their freedom so when the paperweight was shattered they reached the limit. The coral represents Julia and Winstons hopes that one day they will join the brotherhood and defeat their totalitarian government. When the paperweight shatters all their hopes and dreams go with it. The paperweight symbolizes how fragile their hopes and dreams are. Unlike 1984, Animal Farm’s symbol doesn’t involve freedom. The farmhouse represents power, so whoever lives there has control over the farm. After Mr. Jones lost his power was forced to leave, he was slowly substituted by the pigs. From the start, they thought they were higher than the rest of the animals they â€Å"did not actually work, but directed and supervised others† (Animal 35). Almost right after the animals took over the fa rm the pigs took over the harness-room for their own educational purposes. Its like they had it all planned out like they wanted to dominate before they took over the farm. When the pigs moved into the farmhouse thats when things changed for real on the farm. They moved into a man’s home to become powerful as he.Show MoreRelatedAnalysis Of George Orwell s 1984 And Animal Farm 1401 Words   |  6 PagesTitle/Author: 1984/ George Orwell Date of Publication/Genre: 1949/ Dystopian Fiction Biographical information about the author: George Orwell, who was originally Eric Arthur Blair was born in 1903 in British India. His two greatest novels include 1984 and Animal Farm. He is regarded as one of the greatest novelist of the 20th century. Historical information on the period of publication: During this period, the United Kingdom recognized the republic of Ireland. The United States claimed Israel asRead More Animal Farm as a Political Satire to Criticise Totalitarian Regimes4636 Words   |  19 PagesAnimal Farm as a Political Satire to Criticise Totalitarian Regimes This study aims to determine that George Orwells Animal Farm is a political satire which was written to criticise totalitarian regimes and particularly Stalins practices in Russia. In order to provide background information that would reveal causes led Orwell to write Animal Farm, Chapter one is devoted to a brief summary of the progress of authors life and significant events that had impact on his political convictions. ChapterRead MoreThe Storu- Animal Farm2755 Words   |  11 PagesThe story of Animal Farm is a political allegory of the situation of the communist Soviet Union. The author of the story George Orwell attempts to describe the events of the communist Russia and the bloody Revolutions through the characters of the Animal Farm. 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Therefore, he used very precise descriptions of situations and words to provide the reader a clear understanding of the entity he is criticizing. When Winston describes the destruction of past records to create new ones to Julia, he says: â€Å"Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book has been rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street and building has been renamed, every dateRead MoreCritics of Novel 1984 by George Orwell14914 Words   |  60 Pages1984 In George Orwells 1984, Winston Smith wrestles with oppression in Oceania, a place where the Party scrutinizes human actions with ever-watchful Big Brother. Defying a ban on individuality, Winston dares to express his thoughts in a diary and pursues a relationship with Julia. These criminal deeds bring Winston into the eye of the opposition, who then must reform the nonconformist. George Orwells 1984 introduced the watchwords for life without freedom: BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU. 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They belong to a generation and way of feeling properly their own.† Let’s explore what that plane is like. Why Studying Children’s Development Is Important Why study children’s development

Friday, December 20, 2019

Analysis Of Lee s We Gon Be Alright - 1607 Words

During the Civil Rights Era from 1954-1968, leaders like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, Bayard Rustin and many others utilized the strength of voice to empower the people they were representing. When they stood up to speak, their reason for speaking was not to make others change their minds, but instead, to encourage and inspire those who already believed in their cause and shared their hardships. Fast forward to today, and the same methods are being used. In Jeff Chang’s book, â€Å"We Gon’ Be Alright†, he is constantly using examples and stories as the evidence to back up his ideas and his perspective. While most people think the reason for that is to change the reader’s way of thinking, Chang doesn’t try to persuade anyone. His†¦show more content†¦Chang realized that there are people who get their information from their TV’s, phones and tablets. So they may be led on to believe that the point of the use of the term  "hands up† during protest was solely about Michael Brown, when in fact it was about the longstanding history of racial injustice in the U.S. The mainstream media doesn’t always tell the true story, and using TV as a source can distract people from the actual issues on hand. Rather than debating about why a movement is using a certain term during their protest, the debate should be over why race-based crimes are so frequent. Another example of Chang calling out media bias is on page 113, where he describes the night when a young man named VonDerrit Myers was shot down in an interaction with a police officer during a â€Å"pedestrian check†. According to the police, Myers had a gun and was killed in a one on one gunfight with the officer (Chang, 113), however, that wasn’t the end of the story. â€Å"They [the police] noted Myers had been wearing a GPS ankle bracelet-- a consequence of being out on bail for recent charges of unlawful use of a weapon and resi sting arrest. The media was fed Instagram photos of Myers posing with guns,† (113). Because the media was filled with pictures of Myers with guns, people who didn’t know all the details of the situation formed opinions on it based on something that isn’t even relevant to what the real problem is. In a Fox news article released after the shooting, the

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Monetary And Fiscal Policy Essay Example For Students

Monetary And Fiscal Policy Essay Monetary and Fiscal PolicyThe Monetary and Fiscal Policies, although controlled by two different organizations, are the ways that our economy is kept under control. Both policies have their strengths and weaknesses, some situations favoring use of both policies, but most of the time, only one is necessary. The monetary policy is the act of regulating the money supply by the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, currently headed by Alan Greenspan. One of the main responsibilities of the Federal Reserve System is to regulate the money supply so as to keep production, prices, and employment stable. The Fed has three tools to manipulate the money supply. They are the reserve requirement, open market operations, and the discount rate. The most powerful tool available is the reserve requirement. The reserve requirement is the percentage of money that the bank is not allowed to loan out. If it is lowered, banks are required to keep less money, and so more money is put out into circulation (theoretically). If it is raised, then banks may have to collect on some loans to meet the new reserve requirement. The tool known as open market operations influences money and credit operations by buying and selling of government securities on the open market. This is used to control overall money supply. If the Fed believes there is not enough money in circulation, then they will buy the securities from member banks. If the Fed believes there is too much money in the economy, they will sell the securities back to the banks. Because it is easier to make gradual changes in the supply of money, open market operations are use more regularly than monetary policy. When member banks want to raise money, they can borrow from Federal Reserve Banks. Just like other loans, there is an interest rate, or a discount rate, the third tool of the monetary policy. If the discount rate is high, then fewer banks will be inclined to borrow, and if it is low, more banks will (theoretically) borrow from the reserve banks. The discount rate is not used as frequently as it was in the past, but it does serve as an indicator to private bankers of the intentions of the Fed to constrict or enlarge the money supply. The monetary policy is a good way to influence the money supply, but it does have its weaknesses. One weakness is that tight money policy works better that loose money policy. Tight money works on bringing money in to stop circulation, but for loose policy to really work, people have to want loans and want to spend money. Another problem is monetary velocity. The number of times per year a dollar changes hands for goods and services is completely independent of the money supply.., and can sometimes contradict the efforts of the Fed. The benefits of the monetary system are that it can be enacted immediately with quick results. There are no delays from congress. Second, the Fed uses partisan politics, and so has no ties to any political party, but acts in the best interests of the U.S. Economy. The second way to influence the money supply lies in the hands of the government with the Fiscal Policy. The fiscal policy consists of two main tools. The changing of tax rates, and changing government spending. The main point of fiscal policy is to keep the surplus/deficit swings in the economy to a minimum by reducing inflation and recession. A change in tax rates is usually implemented when inflation is unusually high, and there is a recession with high unemployment. With high inflation, taxes are increased so people have less to spend, thus reducing demand and inflation. During a recession with high unemployment, taxes are lowered to give more people money to spend and thus increasing demand for goods and services, and the economy begins to revive. .u6934f1f05592a163cafd9babf0dc3cac , .u6934f1f05592a163cafd9babf0dc3cac .postImageUrl , .u6934f1f05592a163cafd9babf0dc3cac .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u6934f1f05592a163cafd9babf0dc3cac , .u6934f1f05592a163cafd9babf0dc3cac:hover , .u6934f1f05592a163cafd9babf0dc3cac:visited , .u6934f1f05592a163cafd9babf0dc3cac:active { border:0!important; } .u6934f1f05592a163cafd9babf0dc3cac .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u6934f1f05592a163cafd9babf0dc3cac { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u6934f1f05592a163cafd9babf0dc3cac:active , .u6934f1f05592a163cafd9babf0dc3cac:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u6934f1f05592a163cafd9babf0dc3cac .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u6934f1f05592a163cafd9babf0dc3cac .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u6934f1f05592a163cafd9babf0dc3cac .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u6934f1f05592a163cafd9babf0dc3cac .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u6934f1f05592a163cafd9babf0dc3cac:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u6934f1f05592a163cafd9babf0dc3cac .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u6934f1f05592a163cafd9babf0dc3cac .u6934f1f05592a163cafd9babf0dc3cac-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u6934f1f05592a163cafd9babf0dc3cac:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Real Meaning of LIfe EssayA change in government spending has a stronger effect on the economy than a change in tax rates. When the government decides to fight a recession it can spend a large amount of money on goods and services, all of which is released into the economy. Despite the effectiveness of the Fiscal policy, it does have drawbacks. The major problems are timing and politics. It is hard to predict inflation and recession, and it can be a long period of time before the situation is even recognized. Because a tax cut can take a year to really take effect, the economy could revive from the recession and the new unnecessary tax cut could cause inflation. Politics are another problem. Unlike the monetary policy run by the partisan Fed, the fiscal policy is initiated by the government, and so politics play a key role in the policy. When the concerns of the government are viewed, it becomes obvious that a balanced budget is not the primary objective, anyway. The fiscal policy can also be used as a campaign tactic. If tax cuts are initiated and government spending is increased, then the president is more likely to be re-elected, but has first to deal with the inflation his tactic caused. Monetary and fiscal policies are what helps keep the nations economy stable. With them it is possible to control demand for services and goods and the ability to pay for them. It is possible to manipulate the money in private hands without directly affecting them. The policies are simply a myriad of tools used to prevent a long period where there is high unemployment, inflation, and prices, along with low wages and investment.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Organisational Behaviour Employee Underpayment

Question: Describe about the Organisational Behaviour for Employee Underpayment. Answer: Introduction The present assignment aims to evaluate and examine the scandal of 7-Eleven in which franchisee underpay their employees in Australia. It includes background, structure, problems and detailed analysis of the allegations made against the company of employee underpayment. Background Structure of Organization 7-Eleven Inc. is an international chain of convenience stores operating in approximately about 18 different countries. The company franchises and licenses about 55,000 stores worldwide and was recognized by the name of The Southland Corporation till the year 1999 The company is known to be the largest operator and franchisor of convenience stores internationally (7à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ËœEleven Profile, 2016). 7-Eleven Stores Pty Ltd has become first choice of Australia in convenience stores. It is private owned company and has obtained franchise of 7-Eleven stores from the US based 7-Eleven Inc (About 7-Eleven Convenience Stores, 2016). Problems Issues 7-Eleven scandal occurred in the franchise convenience stores of Australia which highlighted the unethical practices prevalent in the company. The employees were underpaid and also get threatening from the senior management of the company if they raise their voices against their exploitation. The cash-back scheme of the franchisee forces the employees to pay back their wages (Karp, 2016). The employees were also enforced to stay in the office and work for late night hours. The employees of the company were mainly international students and accordance to their visa can work only for a time period of 20 hours to complete a given work. These students were threatened by the franchisees of breaking the visa regulations if they complain to Fair Work Australia about being underpaid (7-Eleven Scandal an Ethical Failure of Leadership, 2013).The employees were told that they would have to prove their underpayment in the court. The employees who were mainly international students believed in th em due to lack of knowledge. Also, there were evidences of physical violence with the students and threatening made to their families overseas by the franchisee (Karp, 2016). The main reason for the occurrence of 7-Eleven scandal was unlawful conduct from the franchisee. According to FWOs report, the main factors responsible for the misconduct in the franchisee was absence of auditing and monitoring by the franchisor. The head office of franchise convenience stores in Australia does not pay any attention to employee complaints (Stricter laws for franchisors? Responses to the 7-eleven wage scandal, 2016). The employees working in the franchisees were mainly international students who were threatened and as such were afraid of reporting the misconduct by their employers (Marginson et al., 2010). These all factors were responsible for the underpayment scandal of 7-Eleven. Analysis The Fair Work Ombudsman of Australia after the occurrence of employee underpayment scandal in 7-Eleven has scrutinized the duties of franchisors towards the franchisees. However, according to a franchisee agreement, franchisors and its franchisees are individual parties who are not connected with each other. Franchisors only provide their business model to the franchisee for carrying out its operational activities. Thus, as per the Franchising Code of Conduct, franchisors do not own any responsibility for the franchisees actions towards their employees (Rouse McKavanagh, 2016).The scandal of 7-Eleven has highlighted the importance of introducing changes in the present Franchising code of Conduct so that all franchisees carry out their business in an ethical manner. The franchisors should own a control over the business processes and procedures of the franchisee to restrict them for indulging in any type of unethical practices (7- Eleven, wages and the Franchise Code: The story so fa r, 2016) This can be done by conducting audit of the franchisees on a continuous basis to govern their organizational behavior. The auditing of franchisees on a regular manner would help in the identification of unethical practices prevalent in the organization. Also, strict employment laws should be enforced on the franchisee and also they should be made aware of the serious actions that can be taken against them in case of non-compliance with these laws (Rouse McKavanagh, 2016). The franchisors on identification of misconduct from their franchisee should terminate the franchisee agreement. The Labor Party of Australia are emphasizing on reforming the workplace laws for ensuring employees protection after the occurrence of 7-Eleven scandal. In this context, it is becoming highly important for the franchisors to analyze and examine the legal action that can be taken against them in case of unlawful practices inculcated by their franchisees (Stricter laws for franchisors? Responses to the 7-e leven wage scandal, 2016). As per the recent Coalition laws, franchisors are entrusted with huge responsibility of controlling and reviewing the franchisee business practices in order to ensure that they are in compliance with the workplace laws. The franchisee agreement should clearly state the duties and obligations of the franchisor and the franchisee in order to abide by the recent workplace laws. The disclosure of employee wages should be properly drafted and provided to the franchisee before entering into the franchisee agreement to avoid any discrepancy in future (Stricter laws for franchisors? Responses to the 7-eleven wage scandal, 2016). There was no monitoring and reviewing of employment reports by the franchisor in case of 7-Eleven scandal. This encouraged the employers of the company to underpay their employees and lead to their exploitation. Thus, franchisors should continually monitor and review the wages reports of the employees for ensuring that they are not underpaid. Also, franchisors must d esign a proper communication flow so that employees of the franchisees are able to reach the head office to report any type of issues faced by them. The franchisor should introduce necessary changes in the businessstructure of the franchisees on the identification of any type of problems encountered by them to pay out the employee wages (Rouse McKavanagh, 2016). Thus, the occurrence of 7-Eleven scandal has emphasized on the need of adoption of a proper regulatory framework to govern a franchisee agreement. The brand image of 7-Eleven Inc was negatively impacted by the employee underpayment fraud and it has to also provide compensation to the underpaid employees. The changes introduced in the Franchising Code of Conduct would also ensure the protection of good will of franchisors in a franchisee agreement. Thus, it can be stated after the analysis of 7-Eleven scandal that an organization should carry out its business ethically. The presence of Law of Conduct is necessary in each and every organization to govern its organizational behavior. Assessment 2: 1. Identification of problem Reports state that more explosive allegations have been leveled against Australias major convenience store chain with strong claims of a management cover-up of widespread exploitation. It has been reported that 7-Eleven is being investigated over several allegations of wage theft that have seen its network of convenience stores demonstrated as operating a sweatshop on every corner. Moreover, it can be seen a fresh claim has emerged that the alleged scam went all the way to the responsible senior manager as well as senior management (, 2016). Reports have revealed a fact that Fairfax Media has stated that it was in possession of thousands of leaked documents that allegedly implicate 7 Elevens head office in the scandal. It can be found from the news that the documents contain extracts of the interviews, conducted by 7-Elevens field inspectors, in a payroll compliance review of 225 franchisesacross the country. This allegedly found that the vast majority were underpaying the staffs. Most importantly, it can be stated that the alleged breaches of the laws of workplace were heldon the inside (, 2016). Several news have found out that this organization is accused for paying their employees only $10 per hour and almost two third of the stores are unashamedlyripping off the employees. This rate is half than the actual award, i.e. $24 an hour and there is no existence of overtime reward to motivate the employees. In response to this situation, the Ombudsman proclaimed that it had launched a clear legal proceeding against this organization that allegedly underpinned two migrant staffs near about $50,000 and untrustworthy their paperwork. The workers said that they do not have any sympathy for their bosses (, 2016). One employee was aggressivelyrobbed two times in the stretch of 18 hours. The company has anevidence of cash back scheme;where the employees are paid the exact money on papers, but at the same time, they were blackmailed to give back half of their payment. Most unfortunate part is that the system is still running in the organization. Several media investigation has found that this fraud organization wasaccused, as the staffs were paid as little as $5 an hour and often forced the workers to work for more than 60 hours a week (, 2016). Besides this severe issue, it has been found that 7-Elevens Australian franchised is one of the prominent examples of an ethical failure of leadership. Several investigations revealed the fact that the employees in the organization were forced to work for the long hours a day. Some of the employees were the international students and they were not even allowed to work for more than 20 hours a week (, 2016). The shocking thing in this case was that these international students were highly blackmailed by their respective franchisee and were said that if they complain to fair Work Commission, they would be severely dobbed in for violating their visa regulations. Therefore, it can be stated that the employees in this organization have been suffering a lot due to this overtime of the shift timing and comparatively low wages (, 2016). Apart from that, it can be found that the company has been severely accused for breaches of workplace laws along with the rampant wage fraud at this corporation. The company has been pointed out for wage fraud of more than $170 billion franchise industry. Adele Ferguson (2015) has stated in the news that the fraud case of 7 Eleven scandal focused not only on a business model that encourage systematic underpayment of the staffs, but also a brutal practice of franchisee to pay the employees below the promised rate. Most importantly, it can be said that this scandal has put emphasis on reinforcing the requirement for the parliament to work together as well as implement Coalitions measures to deliver meaningful penalties (, 2015). 2. Analyzing the organizational behavioral issues From the above discussions, it has been found that this leading Australian corporation has been accused several times from several reliablesources. Since, it is required to mention that the investigation has forced 7 Eleven to repay $26 million in back pay to 680 workers. However, the news has stated that more than thousands of underpayment claims are still being processed and this is the biggest back pay claim in the Australian history. Danckert (2016) has stated that 7 Eleven wage abuse incident has been one of the major lessons for all the directors. From severalreports, it has been observed that since the scandal came into the news, it has had a profound impact on the overall reputation of the brand along with the board of directors as well as the senior executives.This incident is one of the strong warnings to all the board members and the CEOs of the consequences of non-cooperation with the law by their business (Danckert, 2016). Therefore, it can be mentioned that for the remaining corporate Australia, it is one of the major wake-up calls to make sure that their business operations are in properly in order. Ferguson (2016) has opined in his research work that the surrounding scenario has been becoming less tolerant of rebelliousness to the laws. From these incidents, it can be seen that the organizational behaviors were hampered and the employees were morally as well as financially deprived (, 2016). The scientific management theoryis one of the major theories that is required to mention here, as this theory puts focus on the research work to develop the best management system for the conditions in the workplace. The managers in this case are responsible to select, train as well as develop the employees with financial incentives as rewards. Here, it has been seen that the employees were highly deprived and not only that, they were blackmailed from their responsible authorities. French et al. (2012) have stated that planning, organizing, staffing the employees as well as controlling are some of the major primary functions of this type of organization and 7 Eleven has been accused due to lack of these major functions. Human relation approach is another major approach that was hampered here and thus the employees complained against the work culture of this organization. Inhuman approach towards the employees affected their performances as well and thus they were forced to complain a gainst the management (Haslam et al., 2014). Besides, it can be seen that the administrative management theory as well were not followed in case of 7 Eleven. In case of administrative management theory, a clear communication can be seen from top to bottom (, 2016). Here, in case of this scandal, there were no clear communications, as the head executives after being accused said that they were not at all well aware of this situation and thus the situation was drastic for the employees. Hassard and Pym (2012) have stated that the main objectives of the executives are to act as the major effective channel of communication and at the same time maintainsthe smooth organizational operations. 3. Preliminary recommendations Smith previously was the deputy chairman of 7-Elevan and now the chairman of this leading Australian organization and was highly shocked from the media investigation. This depicts the fact that he was failed to maintain his duty as an effective channel of communication among different parts of the organization and this ignited the situation (, 2016). Therefore, it is recommended that the Executive is required to be vocal enough to act as an effective communication channel. The chairman of any organization must have an in-depth knowledge of all organizational operations from top to bottom level; otherwise it would be tough to deal with any addressed issues in the organization. Therefore, much effectiveness of the chairman is recommended at first (, 2015). Secondly, it can be stated that the employees were highly de-motivated and were blackmailed, so that they do not go the higher authority to explain their situation. They were paid less than the promised remuneration and thus it was the violation of basic human rights. The Fair Work Commission says that when an employee gets paid are supposed to rely on the industry and they must be paid the minimum amount. Here, it has been seen that the employees were paid much less than the promised amount and thus it was the violation of the human rights. They must get the payment properly as per the Fair work Commission of Ombudsman (, 2015). Apart from that, it has been seen that the employees were forced to work for a long time and thus they were highly de-motivated at the workplace. Therefore, it can be recommended that the company must look at this part sincerely, so that the employees do not get agitated to work. Lack of motivation and incapability of the Chief Executive have dragged the situation of 7-Eleven into scandal (, 2016). These parts are especially required to focus on to deal with this scandal situation in this Australian organization. Most importantly, it is required to mention that the international students must not be threatened and forced to work for long hours. Assessment 3: Introduction: The aim of the final report is to reflect the view point of on the findings of the problems and the issues related to 7-Eleven. Based on the findings, a number of recommendations will be made along with the limitations of the approach that might hinder the operations undertaken by the organization. In this respect, it has to be mentioned that organizational communication plays an important part in shaping the organizational behavior (McShane Von Glinow, 2015). In order to fulfill these criteria, a number of organizational behavior theories will be discussed and on the basis of these findings, the recommendations will be made. It has been observed that the organization suffers from a number of problems and ethical issues that has created negative impact on the employees of the organization. The major problems were related to the treatment of the employees in the organization. The employees were treated very badly and they were not provided the fundamental rights given to employees (Pinder, 2014). These situations create a chaotic as well as resentful situation in the organization. If the same situation keep continuing then the company has to suffer badly in its business operation. Therefore, it is important that the organization will look into the matter and approach with a number of steps to improve the degrading situation. Recommendations: The organization greatly lacks on motivating the employees working in the organization. The employees do not find it reasonable enough to work with great effort and compassion. Therefore, it can be easily recommended that the primary thing that the organization might undertake is to motivate employees. Some of the motivation theories can be discussed in this respect. Motivate employees: According to the Maslows hierarchy of need, it is important for an employee to be motivated enough in order to increase their approach towards the organizational operation. In the view point of Miner, (2015), it is only when people are motivated with the help of a number of factors that might be in terms of rewards and recognition or in terms of money, employees are found to be motivated and as a result they are expected to give better result in terms of their roles and duties. Therefore, it can be easily said that one way to fight against the declining condition of the organization, the employees have to be motivate (Greenberg, 2013). It has been found that the employees are not given proper salary and they are in fact robbed. It is therefore, recommended to stop such mal practices and focus on such activities that would result in creating a better opportunity to the employees. In this way, the situation can be made better. Ethical approach towards working hours: Every country and organization has certain rules and protocols that states about the ethical approach that should be followed in an organization. It has been found that the employees at 7-Eleven are not given the appropriated value of their over timing (Wagner Hollenbeck, 2014). In fact, the employees are treated very badly. It has to be said that ethical approach is indeed important in an organization. It is recommended that the management should be careful enough to provide extra pay to the employees who will be responsible for doing over time (DuBrin, 2013). There should be a fixed tome of working and any employee working more than that should be eligible to extra pay. This is a very important concern and when people are given extra payment for their work, the employees are motivated as well. This way, better opportunities of shaping the organizational behavior is important. More audits and monitoring of the entire business operation: It is again recommended that the management should employee a good auditing group that will be responsible to undertake the monitoring process of the entire business (Hogg Terry, 2014). When the business operation and the working of the employees are audited and monitored, a detailed analysis of the entire working procedure is known. It is based on the understanding of the outcome of the monitoring process; the management might take responsibility to carry on better reaction towards the business operation. Cross-culture work environment for foreign employees and students: In the era of globalization and cross-culture work environment, it is important for the team of management to understand the needs and approaches that has to be made to undertake the cross-cultural environment (Robbins Judge, 2012). It is important to work with the people belonging to different culture and countries. It has been found that there are a number of students from the other countries who are the employees of the company. It has been found that these groups of people are threatened that their passport and the visas will be taken off and that they have to suffer (Nahavandi et al., 2013). These things are needed to be stopped and focus should be made to improve the cross cultural environment in the organization. In addition to these, it is also recommended that the problems and the difficulties faced by any employees should be addressed and immediate action has to be taken if any employee finds any kind of difficulty. It is only when employees are treated well in the organization, the management can expect to get better result from the employees. Following labor law to check unlawful practices: Every country has certain labor laws that respect the working culture of the employees. It has to be understood that the employees are hired in an organization and they are expected to perform their duties well in the organization (Hilbert, 2012). Therefore, it falls under the responsibility of the management of the company to understand the importance and the needs of the employees. The employees should be treated well and the basic necessity such as good wage, protection of health and safety approaches should be made to keep a balance in the organization. Any kind of unlawful or injustice practices should be neglected and whenever required, it is important that get feedback from the employees and make decision to improve the condition of the work place. Increasing security in the work place: When an employee comes to an organization, it falls under the responsibility of the employer to think of the security and the safety of the employees. One of the problems faced by the employees at the 7- Eleven was regarding the security of the workplace (Rupp et al., 2015). The employees were not at all safe at the work place and they were usually threatened with their life to the worst extent. It is therefore very important for the management of the organization to understand that serious steps should be taken in order to make the work place secure for the employees. In order to increase the security of the organization, it is expected that there will be a team who will be responsible to take care of the safety and the security of the employees. Any employee who finds that their life is at the verge of insecurity then strict actions can be taken to combat those situations (Hogg Terry, 2014). This is an important function of the organization and the management must be responsible to take action against any person who is responsible for not abiding the security guidelines of the organization. Reduce the work load of the employees: It has been evident that the employees were over burdened with the work. Moreover, the employees were not given the proper salary or wage that shall be given to them. It is for the same reason employees came out with their resent and aggression. It is for the same fact, it has been noticed that the organization faced some kind of limitations in terms of its business activities. Therefore, it is recommended that the burden of work on the employees shall be reduced and in case if they are made to do any kind of over work, they shall be paid the required amount to money to serve the employees. It falls under the responsibilities of the employees to take note of the condition of the employees and make proper arrangement that shall improve the condition of the employees. Assumptions made on the organizational behavior: With the detailed analysis of the case study, it has been understood that the management of the organization was not at all bothered about the employees. There was no such approach made from the side of the management about the security and safety as well as about the salary that the employees get. It can be assumed that the management of the company was not efficient enough and that there was lot of crisis in the organization. The company is very unethical towards its approach terms of serving the employees. The employees can be regarded that they remain in a situation where they can face any kind of difficult situation at any point of time. The organizational behavior and characteristics are not at all good enough to support the employees and to encourage them as well (Thau et al., 2015). It is expected that the employees are provided with such circumstances and offers that they shall find it comfortable as well as motivated to work in an organization rather than thinking about the negative impact of their position in the organization. In this aspect, it can be easily said that the organizational behavior is very poor in terms of managing people and lot of focus has to be made to improve the condition of the organization. It has to be understood that in the competitive era and increasing globalization, it is very important for an organization to understand the needs of the employees and make the business operations keeping the best of the values of the employees (Levine, Thompson Messick, 2013). However, no such approach is seen in the activities of the management of the organization and therefore, there is a great chance that the organization will suffer great loss in terms of its business activities. Limitations of the approach: With the complete analysis based on the different reports and the other findings, it has been clear that the organizational behavior of 7-Eleven is not at all relevant and that the management of the company is not at not efficient enough to manage the employees and their demand. It has been found that the employees are treated very badly and unethical approaches are taken to suppress the employees (Hogg Terry, 2014). It is for these reasons that the employees are to be treated well and that it falls under the management of the organization to think of better actions that shall improve the condition of the organization. Some of the limitations that the approaches to be undertaken by the management of the organization might face are: The actual requirement of the employees of the organization remains unknown to the actual requirement of the employees. As commented by Kanfer Chen, (2016), problems can be solved easily when the problems are known from the people who are facing the problem. In order to understand the actual situation of the employees, it is important to ask them about their problems and issues. It is based on their feedback the management of the organization is expected to take proper steps to improve the condition of the employees. However, with the analysis of the case study, it has been observed that the management was not at all interested in understanding the view point of the employees and then frame certain better solutions to tackle the problems of the employees. Another important limitation of the organization is that there is no such scope of the fact that supports the fact that the management of the company is ready to serve the employees with better opportunities or they might be spending good amount of money on the betterment of the employees. There are many instances that shows that the organization is not at all bothered about the comfort or the safety of the employees of the organization. There is no scope of motivating the employees in any term either by the means of providing incentives or by giving them rewards. In fact, the employees are being suppressed and they are not even served with the minimum requirement required to fulfill the objectives of the employees. Therefore, it can be easily assumed that the organization lacks the minimum approach made towards benefitting the employees and it is for the same reason, the employees are found to suffer. Importance of organizational communication: In the view point of Robbins and Judge, (2012), communication plays a vital role in shaping the relationship of people. In case of an organization, both ways communication; between the employees and the management is an important criterion for creation of a good work environment. In order to make things better and to create a balanced life in the work place, it is important that the management and the employees working in the organization shall have proper communication with each other. Increase of inter-personal communication: In order to understand individuals problems or challenges, it is important to increase the inter-personal communication among the employees and the management. Addressing the needs of the employees is important and it is by the means of understanding their consent that a better approach can be made to improve the situation of the operation of the organization. Increase number of meetings: By the means of regular meetings with the employees, the problems and the issues faced by the employees can be understood and it is based on the findings that proper actions could be taken easily that would help to improve the situation of the work place (Robbins Judge, 2012). Therefore, it is also recommended that the management team should call for frequent meetings either in groups or in personal to acknowledge the factors that affect the working of the employees. It is on the basis of the findings, the management might think of better actions that could help the employees to achieve what they want. Listening to the problems and the deficiency of the employees is the key factor that shall help the organization to understand the difficulties faced by each member. Based on the findings, it is important to take necessary action. Conclusion: With the detailed analysis of the case study of 7-Eleven, it has been observed that the company is do not pay any attention for the betterment of the employees in the organization. Lack of motivation and unethical approaches towards the employees happen to be the most critical issue in the organization. It has to be understood that the success of any organization depends on the work and function of the employees. Therefore, it is important to motivate the employees as well as take care of their needs so that they also take pride in working for the organization. Another important factor that has been highlighted in the report is the importance of inter personal communication in an organization. The role of communication to address the difficulties faced by the employees as well as to improve the situation where the situation of cross-culture situation rises. A number of recommendations have been made in the analysis. In this respect, it has to be said that motivating the employees and proper security of the employees are the most important factors that enhances the quality of the performance of the employees. In order to improve the condition and create a good image of the organization it is expected that the management will focus on these perspectives of employees performance and then work accordingly. Reference list: 7- Eleven, wages and the Franchise Code: The story so far. (2016). Retrieved August 12, 2016, from 7à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ËœEleven Profile. (2016). Retrieved August 12, 2016, from 7-Eleven Scandal an Ethical Failure of Leadership. (2013). Retrieved August 12, 2016, from,. (2016).7-Eleven cash-back scheme 'still alive and kicking', union claims.ABC News. 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